
Monday, October 18, 2010

The Last of the Tomatoes

Late last week, we had a couple of nights dip into the 30's, so Sunday morning it was time to pick the last of the tomatoes.   This is what I brought inside:

By the way, this bowl is bigger than the bowl pictured in the previous tomato post.   And the prize winning tomato of the season:

In some ways the baseball doesn't do it justice - it's shorter than the ball, but much bigger around.

Meanwhile, I've planted carrots, beets, and parsnips again - they are coming up better than they did in the spring.  And I have two winter squash varieties started.  One bed has four healthy artichoke plants, which will winter over one way or another.  The rest of the garden has been put to bed, and is ready for some compost.  

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