
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Winter Garden

Here are some pictures of my winter garden.  (The link is at the end of this entry).  This was on Thursday, Nov 8.  It almost looks like a nice spring day, but actually it was quite cold and windy and I was working to cover my vegetables before cold weather.  We've been having frost for a couple of days.  I took some pictures of what I have before I covered them, and then after.

The small hoops have been up for awhile.  I planted carrots, parsnips, and beets there.  But they haven't sprouted yet, and now I don't think they will until January or February, when the sun starts climbing in the sky again.  The sun is so low, they are not getting enough sun to warm them enough to sprout seeds.  I think I just got them started too late.  

I started my kale and chard seeds while it was still warm, at the end of August.  They got a good start, then continued to grow well in cooler weather.   I bought cauliflower starts and planted them at the same time.

 I have various lettuces, radishes, and scallions in the other bed.  The half that looks bare actually has garlic planted in it.   Some of it is sprouting.  I covered the garlic with straw.  Seed garlic is actually somewhat expensive, and hard to get here.  I can't order it from Burpee - they are not allowed to ship their seed garlic to Washington State (and many other states, too.)  So, I have to find seed garlic sourced here in Washington, and then pre-order it!  

Protecting my artichokes is really about protecting the roots.  The plant can die back, but as long as the root survives, it will sprout again.  So they are also covered with straw, but I didn't bother to cover the plant.  I divided my artichokes this year, and I have ten small artichokes in pots.  They all survived, one of them even is blooming after being transplanted.  They are sitting against the southern wall of the house to winter over.   

Winter Garden Pictures

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Reading List

For reasons I can't explain, I keep falling behind in my book list.  The thing is, I know  I've read some other books between "An Atlas of Impossible Longing", and "Bridge Over the River Kwai" - but I honestly can't remember the names of the books, although if I bother to finish them, I know they were good.  (Oh - I just remembered one!  In fact, I was thinking of it in detail just a few minutes ago.)  So I can't call my list complete.  But it's up-to-date as of today.